You're weird.
That's normal.
You're weird.
That's normal.

You're weird.
That's normal.
You're weird.
That's normal.
Welcome to this show where we talk about all the stuff that makes us feel weird about ourselves- from homeroom to the boardroom.
It feels good to get. it. all. out. Laugh about it, cry about it, and face the reality that actually, all that stuff makes us normal. (And awesome!)
Within a story-telling format, you get to join all my convos with friends. They follow the trajectory of “normal” life – the drama of our teenage days, the mundane daily tasks, hilarious adventures, and profound beauty.
BONUS: I have all my notes from friends middle through high school.
(I know, it's a problem.) On the show we highlight these gems that chronicle the embarrassment of figuring out who you are.
113. I Am Boy
Ep 110. The Evil Trifecta
Ep 109: Skinny Minnie
Ep 107: Self-Connection & Social Change, Ep 108: Changing the World from Within
Ep 85: The Skeptic & The Saint / Part 2: We're Here F*ckers
Songs by Kim Taylor-
Ep 84: The Skeptic & The Saint / Part 1: Not the Place for You
Songs By Kim Taylor-
Ep 83: The Big Red "A"
Ep 82: The Secret
Ep 77: WEN It's Worth It (Rerelease!)
Ep 72: Holy Yoga
Ep. 71: Accidentally Chassidic
Ep. 70: Crack to Chasm
Not The Same Series
Part 8: The End of the World as We Know It...and I feel fine
Part 7: The Reverends
Part 6: The Bridge Builder
Part 5: The Good Church Girl
Part 4: The Beloved Son
Part 3: The Curious One
Part 2: The Truth Seeker
Part 1: The Rebel